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Confidence • No Bells and Whistles, just a real life story!

Confidence is one of those words that gets batted around a lot and many people will feel it has taken a knock during the Covid epidemic, though being in lockdown and self isolation. Some people have some trepidation about just going back out or returning to work. That’s completely understandable. So, what is confidence and how can I get it back and when am I going to feel more confident to achieve xyz??

Well, the simple answer to all of these questions is, that you have got it already!
Yes, it’s true. Let me take you back….

After a period of my life back in 2014, where my Mental Health was at an all time low, my confidence was literally on the floor. I felt like I had no purpose, value or direction. Let me rewind to just a couple of years earlier and I was super confident. I had climbed the career ladder in my Housing role as a Head of Service and I would give anything a try.

So, how could I get that confidence back? There is no magic wand but by investing in my education and learning about various interpersonal skills topics, I now have a training business, in the hope I can help others to achieve their full potential. If I can come back from the brink then you can too. I adopted the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing Model’, as part of my personal development journey and I am delighted to say, it works. My life has gone through a massive transformation and it’s all for the better. I have my confidence back and I am hopefully a better person for investing in myself.

Let me be straight with you. If you have a dream or a goal that you have always dreamt of achievieving and then told yourself ‘If I was more confident, i’d do that….’ or ‘One day when I am more confident, i’ll try that…’, then tomorrow will never come. Harsh, maybe! It is true. Everyone has the potential to achieve whatever they want to achieve, you just have to remember it will not happen overnight, it takes time and of course a massive helping of #Selfbelief. This is where your confidence comes in, success is just around the corner.
You just have to go for it. See no Fairy Tales here….

Take a look at our FREE YouTube video on confidence and over confidence, it is packed with tips to get you the success you deserve.

If you would like to find out more about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, or interested in working with us to achieve your goals and dreams then call us on 07583474539.

Listen to our Podcast “The Secret Diary of Marie Jenkins 47+” here:

Coming soon our first webinar on: Confidence:Returning to work post COVID19

#Confidence #Wellbeing #PersonalDevelopment #InterpersonalSkills #MentalHealth #5WaystoWellbeing #SelfCare #SelfBelief

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