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Marie Jenkins 5 Ways to Wellbeing

5 Ways to Wellbeing

• Be Active

• Keep Learning

• Connect

• Take notice

• Give

Being Active
It’s obvious that being physically healthier will improve your life expectancy and its important to ensure you maintain physical health whatever your level of ability. That’s obvious right! So whatever your preference,its important to make time to be active. From half an hour a day, working out at home to a YouTube fitness video to taking part in a weekly local community park run. The point is here you need to ensure you make time within your weekly schedule to do something.

Keep Learning
For our own personal development it's important to keep learning, ok so the cliche ‘Every day is a school day’ maybe a bit cheesy but it's true. How else can we enrich our life and ensure we are achieving our full potential? From enrolling on a new course to learning a new craft or skill it's important to set yourself new challenges or create new opportunities. It is important to choose something that you enjoy, that way your more likely to have the motivation to engage fully and complete that course or hone that skill or craft.

This is the one element we feel is the most important: Connect. Quite often in life we take the people and the relationships we have in our lives for granted. That’s why it is important to put as much time in to our life schedules to connect with family, friends and any relationships we have. Ask yourself how you manage those relationships? are you approachable, are you proactive and the most important are you consistent and reliable?

Take Notice
We like to take notice by being Mindful in our everyday lives. From walking in nature and noticing the changing seasons to eating a home cooked dish filled with various spices. This is a fantastic way to become more appreciative of your life & health. You can find a positive in everything you do or have and its important to celebrate this.

Look outwards as well as in. You can give in a number of ways: Volunteer for a local community project, do something nice for a friend or stranger or simply remember to show your appreciation for an act of kindness. There are a number of ways to say thank you and it can be as simple as giving someone a smile.

Whatever you choose to do, choose something that works for you. Everyone is different and that is something that should be celebrated as it enriches our lives along with our diverse culture and community. 5 Ways to Wellbeing actually works so give it a try, you have little to lose and loads to gain

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